Building 17 Remodel Update

The Bldg. 17 remodel is taking shape! Counters are just starting to come in, cabinetry is being placed in different offices and glass is being installed in the upper walls of some of the offices to maximize light. It’s still looking pretty unfinished, but as you can see in the pictures, it’s really real! Some of the furniture has been ordered but no final completion date has yet been set. Student Services and cashiering staff have been the model of patience and positive thinking for these past six months or so, and it’s great to see the end is not that far out of sight. Thanks to all who have been managing the construction schedule and process. Stay tuned for more update pictures in the next couple of weeks.

– Ted Broussard, VP for Student Services


Front counter.



Enrollment Services/Financial Aid service windows.



Cashiering service windows.



Advising & Counseling front desk.



Another view of the front counter.