CPTC Recognizes LPN Graduates at Pinning Ceremony
As the 2018 fall quarter came to a close Wednesday, the Clover Park Technical College Nursing program hosted its traditional Licensed Practical Nurse Pinning Ceremony to recognize the 20 students earning their Practical Nursing Certificate.
The gathering welcomed friends and family members to support the graduates into a decorated McGavick Conference Center. CPTC’s Director of Nursing Programs Myra Griffin introduced the ceremony with some information about the pinning tradition that goes back to Florence Nightingale and her service in the Crimean War.
“This is a ceremony that all of our faculty have gone through, and these pins are very valuable to us. We treasure them,” Griffin said. “It is a very special ceremony, and it always just amazes me how many family and friends come out to show their support. Some families travel across the country to be part of this.”
Following the presentation of the pins, the graduates assembled to light candles and recite the Modern Nightingale Pledge. Griffin closed out the ceremony with a few key principles to leave with the graduates from her time as a nurse: always put patients first, treat all patients and family members with respect and dignity, and remember that every patient’s life matters to someone.
At the conclusion of the ceremony, graduates and guests had an opportunity to take pictures, visit, and enjoy a reception with juice and cupcakes.
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