Quarter Break Hours and Closures
Below is a list of campus hours and closures for the quarter break, March 25-31. The first day of Spring Quarter is April 1.
- The Learning Resource Center and Computer Lab are closed March 25-31.
- The Tutoring Center is closed March 25-31, and is open April 1-3 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
- The eLearning Department is closed March 27.
- The Financial Aid Office is open normal hours.
- The Bookstore is open normal hours.
- The campus coffee shop in Building 23 is open March 23-24 from 8 a.m. to noon, and closes March 25-31.
- Bon Sucre is closed March 23-April 6.
- The Rainier Room is closed March 23-April 7.