LPN Students Receive Their Pins
Thirty-one Practical Nursing students who completed the LPN program this quarter were honored at a pinning ceremony on March 19 in the McGavick Event Center.
The four-quarter LPN program prepares students for entry into the nursing profession as a practical nurse or to continue in their studies to become Registered Nurses.
“This ceremony represents tremendous success on your part,” Dr. Joyce Loveday, vice president for instruction, told the students.
Students Kira Benoit and Elisha Knight were the ceremony's class speakers, and students selected Lara Cooper as the faculty speaker.
“We are honored to watch you walk across the stage to receive your nursing pin, and to say the nursing pledge with you,” Cooper said.
Student Lindsey Dittoe produced and presented a slideshow of the past four quarters in the program. Instructors Robert Carver and David Bahrt presented the pins, and the ceremony culminated with the time-honored tradition of candle lighting and recitation of the modern Nightingale Pledge.
For more information about CPTC's Nursing Program, visit http://www.cptc.edu/programs/nursing.
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