College 101 Introduces New Students to CPTC
About 90 new students participated in Clover Park Technical College's opening session of the College 101 course at the McGavick Student Center on the Lakewood campus June 20.
The session served as an "ice-breaker" to the College and introduced students to programs, services and resources available at CPTC. The event opened with introductions from the Office of Student Programs, Associated Student Government and CPTC President Dr. Lonnie L. Howard.
Dr. Howard shared the latest news of the College, including the recent announcement that Clover Park Technical College will become the first two-year college in Pierce County to offer a bachelor's degree program starting fall 2014.
"You have no limitations, except for the limitations you set on yourself," Dr. Howard said.
Dr. Joyce Loveday, vice president for instruction, also provided opening remarks, along with a panel of students who shared their experiences at CPTC.
"We now consider you part of us," Loveday said. "We are all here to help you succeed."
The cohort included students who ranged from recently out of high school to more than 20 years removed from school.
The group was divided into three smaller groups to learn about financial aid and grant opportunities, student services and student involvement. It was Director of Student Programs Cal Erwin-Svoboda's hope that after the event every student's question was answered.