CPTC Peer Ambassador Program Gives Students Meaningful Experiences
The Office of Student Programs at Clover Park Technical College launched the Peer Ambassador program last fall to decrease barriers and increase access to academic and support services for students.
Under the direction of Kandi Bauman, student engagement coordinator, the program included five campaigns that promoted student-to-student interaction designed to meet the needs and challenges of students of the College.
“It’s about meeting students where they’re at,” Bauman said.
A team of four Peer Ambassadors developed partnerships with student services departments and assisted students when needed. The five campaigns included Peer-to-Peer Help Desk, Phone a Friend, Prize Cab, Midterm Break Room and Job Readiness.
At the beginning of the quarter Peer Ambassadors assisted students waiting in line at student services departments by answering basic questions. They also followed up with the College 101 cohort in the second week of the quarter to check in and offer assistance if needed.
“The Peer Ambassadors were confident, knowledgeable and comfortable,” said Ted Broussard, vice president for student services. “The students were happy, satisfied customers.”
The ambassadors branded the Associated Student Government golf cart the “Prize Cab” as a fun way to help students get from one end of the campus to the other. Prizes were awarded to students who participated in a survey about school services.
During midterm week, an outdoor “break room” was set up for two days to provide refreshments and encouragement during the week.
In its final campaign, the ambassadors worked collectively to educate students about job readiness.
From feedback and data collected, the pilot program was a success.
“Students had connections with staff and faculty that they never would have had,” Bauman said.
The program will return for fall quarter and will merge with the existing Peer Mentors program to form one group: Peer Ambassadors.
The Office of Student Programs enhances student learning and success through a comprehensive array of programs and experiences that focus on a holistic approach toward personal, intellectual and global understanding. For more information, visit www.cptc.edu/involvement.