Hayes Child Development Center Takes Field Trip to Nursing Lab
A group of children from the Hayes Child Development Center at Clover Park Technical College took a field trip to the nursing lab in Building 23 on May 1.
While the children enjoyed fun hands-on activities, the practical nurse students from quarter three were able to practice pediatric assessments by taking height and weight measurements, performing vision screenings and checking blood pressure, pulse and heart rate.
“I was kind of nervous because I don’t have kids of my own, but they’re really fun,” CPTC nursing student Kristine Calloway said.
For the children’s introduction to the lab, the students and instructors made the visit fun with coloring books, Play-Doh and health-related children’s books. Nursing students colored alongside their visitors while they sang songs from the Disney film Frozen. The children also learned about proper teeth brushing and hand washing.
It was nursing instructor Laura Cooper’s idea to invite the Hayes Child Development Center to visit the lab. Every three weeks a small group of children take a health education field trip to visit the nursing students.
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