Nursing Students Celebrate Program Completion with Pinning Ceremonies
Clover Park Technical College’s Nursing Program celebrated the completion of 25 Registered Nurses and 42 Licensed Practical Nurses at formal pinning ceremonies at the end of Summer Quarter.
Twenty-three RN graduates were present to receive their pins at the McGavick Student Center Aug. 29.
Instructor Julia Fanslow was the selected faculty speaker.
“Beginning right now, your journey of transition continues,” Fanslow said. “Reach for your best.”
The ceremony also included speeches from Michelle Hillesland, dean of Division II, and class speaker Ben Rimmele. As the first graduating class in the newly constructed Health Sciences Building, the class started a new tradition by presenting the faculty with a framed photo of the class.
The graduating nurses received their pins from their families and Nursing Program faculty members Myra Griffin and Dr. Pam George. They then participated in the ceremonial candle-lighting ceremony and a recitation of the modern Nightingale Pledge.
Forty-two LPN students celebrated the completion of their Practical Nursing Certificate at a pinning ceremony Aug. 26.
CPTC’s first Nursing Program started in 1962, and 10 years ago a new program was started to prepare LPNs to become RNs.
The tradition of nursing pinning ceremonies originated in the 1860s at the Nightingale School of Nursing at St. Thomas Hospital in London, where Florence Nightingale awarded her nursing graduates with a medal of excellence.
CPTC’s nursing programs prepare students for a rewarding career in a variety of high-demand nursing fields. For more information, visit www.cptc.edu/programs/nursing.
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