Student Involvement: First-Ever Field Day at CPTC
A little bit of fun to breakup the day is what Clover Park Technical College is all about. That’s why the first ever “Field Day” fit right in at CPTC’s Lakewood campus, June 1, 2016.
“Events like this is what’s great about school here —we get to meet students we may not have known, and it’s a great distraction from schoolwork,” said Kaytlyn Pepe, CPTC Health and Wellness programmer. “It brings us together and we get to get out and enjoy the weather.”
The event was free for anyone and included a “Bungee Run” rental; the opportunity to create your own hula-hoops and tie-dye a bandana or pillowcase; gift bags with sun-safety goodies; popsicles and water; and sports equipment checkout.
“This is kind of an extension of Spring Fest — this is all the stuff we wanted to do in addition to Spring Fest and it worked out perfect the next week with the weather,” Pepe said.
And the weather was perfect — not to hot, not to cold. The sun even paid a visit to some very appreciative Washingtonians.
“This event gives us a great balance because we don’t have many fitness activities —it’s nice to add that aspect to campus,” said Breauna Johnson, CPTC student marketing designer and Field Day volunteer.
And between hula hooping, the Bungee Run, and tossing footballs students got their hearts pumping.
“I’m happy to see people out on the grass enjoying the equipment — you don’t see that everyday here,” said Rachel Petersen, CPTC special events programmer and Field Day volunteer. “It’s great to gather people and develop a sense of community.”
Those who stopped by agreed it was a lot of fun.
“When you have a break, it’s nice to have something to do,” said Shannon LuQuette, a new CPTC student in the accounting program. “Everyone on campus is so nice and helpful and involved here.”
Being the Health and Wellness coordinator, Pepe said she also used Field Day as a great opportunity to bring information to students with the sun-safety goodie bags and a chance to get some exercise on the field.
“Because its summer, protecting yourself from the sun is important,” Pepe said.
David Elmore, a CPTC Practical Nursing student, said he appreciated the goodie bags.
“These are great, we are promoting summer safety with kids in our program so this is fantastic,” Elmore said. “I love the leisure opportunities and the chance to be creative, active and interact.”
The goodie bags include a sunscreen sample, a card that measures the UV rays and tells you how much sun screen you need, a bracelet that keeps mosquitoes off and a card that gives you information about checking yourself for skin cancer.
“I love to bring Health and Wellness outdoors,” Pepe said. “Sometimes students are so busy and they put their health on a backburner, so it’s great to put these issues in the light and make it easier for students to get healthy.”
Pepe added that stress relief was another huge benefit to the event.
“Providing stress relief is so important,” Pepe said. “That’s why next week we are having ‘Car Smash,’ where people get to destroy a junker.”
She said guys, who might not be as interested in hula-hoops, love the opportunity to destroy something.
Pepe said she also welcomes suggestions from students on events and activities they’d like to see.
“Students can email me or come into the student center if they have ideas,” Pepe said.
To attend “Car Smash” come out next Friday, June 10, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in the parking lot outside Building 23. For more information contact Pepe at asg.cabwellness@cptc.edu or 253-589-5740.
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