Veterans Resource Center Opens Doors to New Space
The Veterans Resource Center has settled into its new location in Building 2 on Clover Park Technical College’s Lakewood Campus.
Earlier this month the VRC relocated from Building 22 to Building 2, Room 109, a location that gives student veterans and non-veterans more space to study, socialize and decompress. The additional space also allows the center more room to comfortably host guest speakers and all-campus events. While more space has been added, the VRC’s mission stays the same.
“We’re still offering the same services and same warm environment,” Veteran Navigator Shawn Durnen said.
The VRC is open Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The center includes computers, study desks, a TV with comfortable seating, and a kitchen area. While it serves as a space for students to socialize and study, the center’s navigator is also able to assist current and prospective military-connected students with accessing benefits as well as providing referrals to campus and community resources.
For more information about the Veterans Resources Center, visit www.cptc.edu/vrc or call 253-589-5966.