CPTC Welding Students Receive WABO Scholarships
March 11, 2021
Congratulations to CPTC Welding Technology Program students Jose Bazan Jr. and Angel Esparza, recipients of Washington Association of Building Officials (WABO) Welder Program Scholarships for Winter 2021. Only five scholarships are awarded for Winter quarter, and Clover Park is honored to have two of the recipients in our welding program.
Every year, WABO awards scholarships to welding students preparing for a career in structural welding. To be considered for a WABO Welder Program Scholarship visit www.wabo.org/welder-program for application details and deadlines.
Congratulations, scholarship recipients!
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WABO scholarship recipient Angel Esparza. Esparza is a high school student in his 4th quarter of the welding program. His instructors report he is a good student who puts a good effort into his work.
Ready to learn more? Visit the Welding Technology program page on the Clover Park Technical College website.