CPTC Faculty Receives Training on Active Threats
Clover Park Technical College's in-service day for faculty on Oct. 23 included training on how instructors can recognize and respond to the threat of an active shooter on campus.
CPTC's Director of Security and Compliance Lisa Beach and Lt. John Unfred of the Lakewood Police Department led the training.
Institutions of higher education are placing more of an emphasis on moving from an older “lockdown/safe room” model toward a doctrine of “Run, Hide, Fight,” in response to an active threat. A brainstorm session followed the training to gather input about how to involve students in preparing for and responding to an active threat.
The faculty training session marked the seventh time this academic year that Beach and Unfred have offered the free active threat training to college faculty and staff. Earlier this fall, the pair offered six sessions of the training for college employees. To stay vigilant, Beach is planning additional training opportunities.
For more information about emergency management, visit www.cptc.edu/risk/safety/emergency-management.