CPTC Gives the Gift of Hope with Annual Holiday House
Every year CPTC’s Foundation hosts the Holiday House Program, an annual volunteer activity that distributes December holiday assistance to eligible CPTC students in the form of food, gift cards and holiday gifts.
Holiday House started more than 25 years ago with the goal of easing the strain of the holidays for CPTC students by providing gifts and food to those with financial need.
This year Holiday House Program was able support 72 families, helping 125 children have a fantastic holiday season.
“Anytime you help someone in need, it is a success,” said Instructional Program Assistant Debbie Gurner, member of the Holiday House Committee. “I was a recipient of the Holiday House Program when I was a student at CPTC, and it feels amazing to be able to give back to the program and help current students.”
Holiday House is able to continue to bring holiday cheer to students and their families largely thanks to contributions from staff, CPTC programs and community members. For example, every year, the Lakewood Partners in Business holds a Chocolate Auction to raise funds to support Holiday House. Typically they raise about $5,000. These funds come to the CPTC Foundation and 100% go to help fund Holiday House.
People in the CPTC community adopted 37 of the families, who and are now able to enjoy the holidays without worrying about whether they can afford gifts or food.
“This cherished activity eases one financial stress to help our students to stay in school” said Debbie Ranniger, Vice President of Institutional Advancement.
So we here at CPTC would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who helped make this holiday season a truly joyous one for our students. You all rock!
If you are interested in helping out with next year’s Holiday House, please call the hotline at 253-589-5745.