Never Stop Learning
Julie Wellborn discovered her passion more than two decades ago while a student at Clover Park Technical College.
After she graduated from the Licensed Practical Nursing Program in 1994, Wellborn has enjoyed a successful career in the health care field, and never stopped her pursuit of education.
“I think it’s so important for people to never stop learning,” Wellborn said. “There’s always more. There’s always ways to develop and enlighten yourself.”
Wellborn continued on from CPTC to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Pacific Lutheran University, a Master of Nursing degree from University of Washington Tacoma, and is currently working toward an MBA health care management degree from Western Governors University.
The groundwork for Wellborn’s career and lifelong learning was established in CPTC’s Nursing Program.
“I found my passion and the instructors demanded quality,” she said. “Health care is an ever-changing field, and you have to adapt to that change. I think Clover Park really prepared me for change.”
When she completed the LPN program, Wellborn relocated to the Port Orchard/Bremerton area and landed her first job at a family practice. Once she had that initial experience under her belt, more opportunities opened. Wellborn gained nursing experience in multiple venues of care, and she returned to school at various times throughout her career while also raising five children.
Wellborn is published in the Journal of Wound Ostomy & Continence Nursing, and is a 5-year certified wound care nurse. This past year she was the quality manager at Harrison Home Health, where she organized a methodical infection control program. It was announced this month that Wellborn accepted the position as clinical manager at Harrison Home Health, where she supervises nursing staff, and performs clinical education and wound and ostomy consults.
“I found that home health is where my skills were needed,” Wellborn said. “You know when you find your niche. If you don’t have the passion for what you’re doing, don’t do it. You need to find that passion.”
CPTC alumni are encouraged to share their stories at https://blog.cptc.edu/alumni/.